Saturday, July 9, 2016

Concrete floors

November 6, 2016

Pouring the concrete floors is one of the big last steps towards completion of the structure of the house. In our case, we still have to add roofs over the Mirador (the third floor of the house), roof over the Garage/carport area and the pergola over part of Jim's Studio terrace.
The reason they pour the floor after doing the concrete/plaster work on walls is to make sure the concrete floor is nice and flat for the installation of the stone flooring. The application of the plaster on walls produces a lot of drips which would compromise the flushness of the floor.

They do the top floors first.
Before they do the ground floor, they bring a lot of crushed stone and compact it on the ground, on the inside of the house to act as a anti-capilarity layer.
In our case, before we do the pour on the Ground floor, we will also do a treatment of the soil for Termite protection.

Following week, around the 14th of November, we will receive the delivery of some 3000 square feet of Travertino for our floors. I can't wait... I bought the stone from the Internet in August, on Mercado Libre. I had them send me three tile samples, they looked EXACTLY as I wanted them to be. Now, let's see what we get and IF we get.
Maestro doing the concrete slab in Jim's Studio. He made the day before some leveled concrete beams on the floor to use as guide for leveling.

The exterior is coming along nicely.

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The SW corner of Jim's Studio viewed from his little Terrace.

Cristino and Paco are working the back of the house.

Miguel is building the chimneys on the roof so we can pour the corner castillos and get ready for the Mirador roof.

Front of the house roof parapets and skylights.

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